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His Majesty’s Theatre – Balcony Restoration

Activation of a Historic Jewel

His Majesty’s Theatre was opened in 1904 with the original balcony’s removed in 1954 as part of a city-wide order enforcing the removal of the supporting posts as they posed a risk of vehicles crashing into them.

Reinstating the balcony’s and bringing His Majesty’s Theatre back to its full glory was the ultimate purpose of this project. The work reconnects His Majesty’s Theatre to the city by creating covered pathways for pedestrians while expanding the external areas for visitors to sit & stand. This restoration project provided the opportunity for the installation of a state-of-the-art electrical lighting system amalgamated into this new structure, highlighting seldom noticed façade detail and the balconies.

The balcony construction was carried out off site in ‘modules’ and assembled onsite, reducing the impact on the busy CBD street and allowed the building to remain in operation during the works.

The works include renovations to the foyer areas of each level along with a new patron bar on level 3 creating new areas for entertainment and improved clientele experience which will, in turn, encourage more people to enjoy this beautiful building.