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Testing for large buildings and complexes.

Emergency & Exit Light Testing

Australian Standards require a documented routine emergency lighting test every 6 months. Many exit lights have a small ‘push test’ button on the case. In larger buildings or complexes, it may give you peace of mind to have an electrician carry out the testing and replace anything that may be faulty. They will also note the testing and remediation in an emergency system logbook.

How Does Emergency Lighting Work?

‘Spitfire-type’ emergency lighting is designed to provide basic lighting in case of power outages. These low voltage (often LED) lights are often located above stairs and within rooms such as toilets. When the power fails, a circuit is triggered and the light comes on powered by battery or auto-generator.

An emergency exit lighting has two bulbs: one on mains power and the other which is activated and run from a battery.

AS/NZS 2293 Compliance

Unsure if your building meets Australian Standards for emergency lighting? Enclosed public venues must have emergency lighting (such as exit signage) that will operate if the main electrical source fails. Lights must remain illuminated for at least 90 minutes running on battery power. Penalties are imposed on building owners, building managers and employers under OHS legislation in Western Australia in cases of non-compliance.

Find out more about Emergency Light Testing